Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I'm still tweaking with my pattern (and when I say pattern, I mean, totally guessed at the size and shape the hat should be) and I think it's a little too "tall" for my baby, but I'm getting closer.
And fyi Mother Nature: Just because my little one has a hat, this does not mean I am ready for colder weather yet!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall-tastic felt wreath

So, Joann's recently had a "coupon commotion" and had a ton of coupons in mailers and the newspaper. If you know anything about me, it's that I'm super frugal, cheap, and love a good bargain.  I could NOT let these coupons go to waste.  On the way to Joann's, I thought up this little project, and thought someone else might like to see it too.
I started with a styrofoam wreath form ($4.99 and my Joanns, but I had a 50% off coupon)

After buying desired felt colors, start cutting out circles. A lot of them. I didn't trace anything, as you can see. I took this picture about 50 circles into the project and I think I got sloppier as I went. I chose 4 colors of felt (and added some green for leaves). The felt was $3 total and I have a lot leftover!

Cut a spiral

Starting with the center, begin wrapping the sprial around the center:

You'll end up with little rose looking flowers.  It took way more than I thought it would, and I semi wanted to gouge my eyes out by the time I was done. 

But then....after hot gluing those bad boys all over my wreath form, I got this!
Total time: couple hours, it's really tedious
Total cost: $5.50, I already had the ribbon and hot glue at home

Isn't it grand?!
My 6 yr old daughter asked me yesterday, "Mom. What? Did fall throw up on you or something?"
Yes. Yes.  Maybe fall did throw up on me...but I like it.

Fall Fabric Tree

I made this little fabric fall-colored tree the other night while watching a show with The Hubs.  I had seen a similar project online where the tree was made entirely out of buttons. But I didn't have any buttons and I was not up for that tedious of a project.  So I thought for a bit and realized I had a ton of great scraps I could use. 
A little heat-n-bond and tracing later and voila! 
A cute little tree!

My friend had given me that great oval frame a few months back.  She was going to give it to Goodwill, can you believe it? I gladly took it off her hands!
Total time: 30-40 min
Total cost: free! Already had all the supplies


I've been obsessed  really liking working with knits lately.  Here are a few things I made for my little baby.  A couple headbands, and some leggings with bum ruffles!

I found a GREAT and very easy tutorial HERE for the leggings. Can't wait to make more! I already have the fabric ready to go.  See?  Border line obsessed here folks.  

Friday, September 9, 2011


Summer has come to an end (sniff, sniff), and I've got two kids in school this year! Back on a schedule and back to sewing! I've been sewing a lot this week and am trying to get both my etsy shops stocked up with new fun things.  HEre are a few goodies I've made recently:
Baby changing mat that rolls up:

Fabric baby block, with chenille:

A zipper pouch, perfect for make up or purse essentials:

Girl's fabric bracelet:

Toddler skirt:
Any items you'd like to see in my shops?  Let me know!